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300 Best Spanish Wines

A selection of 300 references arranged by type (sparkling, white, rosé, red, sweet and generosos) made by Vino+Gastronomia magazine. Those wines of the same type that have achieved the same score are placed in alphabetical order. Since we cannot include them all in this post, we will list the top Read more…


10th anniversary of the Montsant DO

The denomination of origin Montsant commemorated its 10th anniversary last Saturday, July 14th. The DO Montsant was founded in late 2001, but despite being a young denomination of origin, it is located in a region with a huge wine tradition: the Priorat, and until its creation it was part of Read more…


The Wines Of Leo Messi

Leo Messi, 3-times winner of the Ballon d’Or (European Footballer of the Year), begins a collaboration with Argentine wineries Casa Bianchi, to launch a line of 3 wines, one white and two red wines, under the brand “LEO” and whose profits will go to the Foundation Leo Messi, which he Read more…


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